Keep On The Grass
December 4, 2009 by PinoyOrganics
Filed under Green Exchange
Mike Hosoya, a native of Yokohama, Japan, personally weaves thick strands of Philippine abaca into Waraji slippers. Applying the principles of reflexology, these slippers were woven in a special way so that the abaca massages central points in our feet. A minimum of thirty minutes use of Waraji slippers daily can relieve stress and promote […]
Eco-Friendly Sack
December 4, 2009 by PinoyOrganics
Filed under Green Exchange
Like most organic sellers, Ms. Go lives an organic lifestyle to an extent. She mostly eats organic vegetables, enjoys using organic toiletries and of course, uses Eco Sack when doing her grocery or shopping. She likes the idea of living an organic lifestyle because it’s simpler and a lot healthier for her and the environment.
Salcedo Market
November 10, 2009 by PinoyOrganics
Filed under Food
Organized by the Ladies of Barangay Bel Air in 2004, this flea market is primarily known for the variety and quality of the food that is served weekly by the different concessionaires. Delicacies from the different regions in the Philippines are brought in and sold fresh. Home cooked meals from the kitchens of nearby residents are always in abundance while international chefs with their own stalls offer something different to those who are always willing to try something new. The Salcedo Market is a mecca for those who love to eat and appreciate good food.