Monday, March 10, 2025

5 Ways to Improve Your Diet

November 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Food

colorful veggies in flea market

Christmas is here!

In the Philippines, December means fiesta-like parties with FOOD, FOOD AND MORE FOOD. This also means, eating healthy food can be more challenging for many of us.

So, how can you beat the “Biggest Loser” without isolating yourself from the Crispy Pata Gang this season of gluttony? First of all, forget about your diet. It will be a futile attempt until you draft your New Year’s resolutions after Christmas.  Instead, focus on building good memories by enjoying your time with family and friends. Here are 5 simple ways to improve your diet this Christmas season and beyond:

1. Eat organic rice. Filipinos eat so much rice, and by switching to organic rice, that’s more than half of what we eat! Our heritage rice from the mountain terraces is one of the most nutritious grains in the world. You can buy this healthy rice at Mara’s Organic Market at the Legaspi Sunday Market.

2. Eat colored foods. If you eat a wide variety of colored fruits and vegetables (yellow, red, organge, green, etc.), you boost your immune system against pollution, physical stress and seasonal flu/allergies. Remember, more parties mean more sleep-late nights. So add color to your life and Vitamin C. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as much as you can.

3. Eat pork as a treat. We should eat pork as a treat, and not as staple food. Easier said than done, you might say, especially if you are in the Philippines and there’s kare-kare, chicharon, crispy pata or lechon is just a few steps away. So before you conquer the buffet table, drink a glass of water then take a deep breath. Limit your pork hamonado and get veggies or salad greens, if available.

4. Say “NO” to the white stuff. Avoid anything white – white sugar, white salt, white flour (including any bread that uses white flour, whether it’s white, wheat or sugar-free,) and all the other white food sources. These white foods are bleached with a synthetic chemical similar to Chlorox. That’s why next time you drink your coffee, use coco sugar or honey.

5. Tomorrow is another day. If all your attempt to be healthy this Christmas season fail, it’s ok. No use to stress yourself by your self-imposed guilt trip. Relax. Take it one day at a time and whenever possible (like when you are at home), try to eat the freshest and healthiest foods as often as you can.

Our country is rich in natural resources. We have a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, fishes and one of the best rice variety in the world, all year round. Enjoy it! Remember, you don’t have to change overnight. You can change your diet and your lifestyle one step at a time.

What are other ways to improve our diet during Christmas season?

Above in Photo: Saturday Weekend Market at Alabang Country Club


4 Responses to “5 Ways to Improve Your Diet”
  1. Bella says:

    Very informative. I like it.

  2. Pinoy says:

    I usually eat whatever I want to eat without really minding my diet. The pointers you gave will definitely help me to start watching my diet, besides they are simple and easy to follow. Thanks a lot. 🙂 – Pinoy

  3. Leigh says:

    I like this, I’m currently on a healthy eating diet (getting popular in the States where organic food is easily accessible) and I’m glad to see that I have at least options here in the Phils! At first I thought it would be impossible after scouring most of the big supermarkets near home, but I’m glad I stumbled into your blog.

    Are there any weekend markets selling organic food near the South? I.e. Alabang, BF, etc.?

  4. PinoyOrganics says:

    In the South, you can try Ayala Alabang Saturday Market in Alabang Country Club. In BF, there’s an old lady who sells vegetables from her own vegetable garden and the only one who sells native eggs. Both weekend markets have sellers who are not certified organic but claim that they don’t use chemicals on their produce. We buy from small farmers who grow their own veggies for their families and sell their excess produce every Saturday. Every 3rd Saturday of the month, Herbana Farms and other organic producers participate in Nuvali Green Weekend Market. You can also check out our article on Organic Manila. They deliver in Alabang area during weekends.

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