Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Red Lady in the Garden

January 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Food, Gardening

After 6-8 months, without any special care, we harvested our first papaya from our garden and ate it for breakfast today! Thought of sharing this milestone.

Papaya Tree-First Harvest

Do you have a fruit tree , too? If none, what fruit tree do you want to have in your garden?


One Response to “A Red Lady in the Garden”
  1. Feanne says:

    Wonderful!!! Congratulations! That’s one of my favourite fruits. In fact “papaya girl” is one of my nicknames 🙂 We have a papaya tree too but no fruits yet 🙂 so far we have calamansi, sili, and malunggay.

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