Earthworm Sanctuary
May 11, 2010 by PinoyOrganics
Filed under @Home
We met them for the first time in November 2009 during the Agrilink Expo at the World Trade Center. We were there the whole afternoon and we noticed that there were people inquiring about their unique product one after the other. We lined up for their next short demo but were politely informed that they will take a short break for lunch but will be back in 15-20 minutes. It was around 4pm.
Tony and Beth De Castro are the founders of Earthworm Sanctuary, an urban earthworm farm in the heart of Quezon City.
Tony was the first one to fall in love with earthworms. Since 2003, he cultures and nurtures earthworms and uses their vermicompost to fertilize their organic farm in Brgy Sampaloc, Tanay, Rizal where he grows all kinds of vegetables and fruits and according to him, he attributes his success to the wonders of vermicompost.
So what exactly is vermicompost? Here’s our informative video as Tony and Beth explained to us what this sustainable product is all about:
Earthworm Sanctuary’s Culturing Starter Kit is an easy way to start culturing earthworms. With this starter kit you get a complete system for raising earthworms in your own home. The starter kit costs P3,000 includes approximately 1,000 earthworms, instruction manual, a 1-2 hour seminar at the La Mesa Ecopark and a 2 piece housing for the earthworms.
We hope to get our hands on vermiculture in the near future. As we get more and more interested about urban gardening ourselves, we now appreciate what Tony and Beth are doing. Truly, they are our Pinoy Earth Angels!
Earthworm Sanctuary gives seminars daily from 10am to 4pm except Mondays at the La Mesa Dam Ecopark. The seminars are by appointment basis.
What kind of compost do you use for your garden or farm?
Earthworm Sanctuary’s Demonstration and Training site is at the La Mesa Ecopark in Fairview, Quezon City.
- Take Commonwealth Avenue towards Fairview.
- When you get passed the Welcome Marker of Fairview look for Pearl street on the right side of the road. On the corner you will see a Citi Oil gas station. Turn right on Pearl street and follow the signs to Eco Park about 200 meters away.
- Look for the entrance gate to the La Mesa Eco Park on your right. If you are taking public transportation there are tricycles at the Citi Oil station that will bring you to EcoPark. Ask the guard how to get to the vermicompost facility inside the park.
your story is very inspiring. i’m so excited to attend your seminar, probably on tuesday next week. i’m not a computer enthusiast so pls forgive my typing. it’s always been a dream to own a farm someday since childhood. i’m envisioning an organic farm starting here in marikina .i hope you are the right mentor that God has planned for me. My in laws family also owns a lot in sampaloc tanay. My husband and i have been thiking of making their land productive. We’ve consulted some farm owners but they discouraged us that it’, not advisable to have a farm there bec of the lack of water supply. Hope you can help us. right now i just grow some plants in a very small lot and i want to plan more. We are already in our 40’s but we’re still struggling financially. thanks again. God bless your advocacy.Do you also sell organic seeds? Hope you can help me set up or start a farm soon . it’s also nice to hear that we can reduce waste by making use of it to feed the earthworms.
Hi Len. We don’t own Earthworm Sanctuary but you may call Tony or Beth in the contact numbers we included in our article about them. Check out Herbana Farms of Gil Carandang and ISIP workshops about managing a farm.