Monday, March 10, 2025

Geo Shop

November 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Food

geo shop

Located in the alternative shopping loop, CubaoX is Geo Shop, a store that sells organic, natural and herbal products sourced locally in the Philippines.

geo farm lemongrass

Geo Shop has been in the business for over 15 years. Some of their best sellers are the organic shampoo bar which is made of gugo, their herbal soaps and different kinds of herbal teas. They also have a product of their own, the Organic Lemon Grass Concentrate. This drink is a diuretic and flushes out toxins in the body.

geo shop-nancy

Geo Shop is owned and run by Ofelia Asuncion and her daughter, Nancy.

Nancy, like other organic sellers and/or producers, lives an organic lifestyle to an extent. She uses some of the products that are sold in the store, like the organic shampoo bar, which is made of gugo. Nancy finds it reasonable to pay a higher price for organic products and points out that the money you pay for an item goes to the farmers themselves who plant and harvest the crops.

Geo Shop does not advertise their store or products, but more people get to know of them mostly through the referrals of their loyal customers. They also join bazaars and other events they are invited to. With the growing popularity of organics, Geo Shop is not intimidated by the arrival of potential competitors because they believe that in the community of organic producers and sellers, they are all helping each other out.

If you know where CubaoX is, Geo Shop is just across the indie interior designer’s haven,  Heima,

and a few stores away from the store with thousands of beads, trinkets and sweet goodies, The Bead Lady.

Just wondering, have you ever been to Cubao X?

22 CubaoX (formerly called Marikina Shoe Expo)
Araneta Shopping Center
Cubao, Metro Manila
+632 438 4243
+63919 222 3556


4 Responses to “Geo Shop”
  1. Mae says:

    Hi! I was wondering where I could buy parsley tea in Manila? 😀

  2. alma sorilla says:

    do you have oregano wine. how can i go there

  3. PinoyOrganics says:

    Try calling GeoShop:
    +632 438 4243
    +63919 222 3556

  4. rosemarie says:

    hi! just to ask if you have any seminars or training that i can join or attend?pls let me know email me. thanks in advance. more power!Godbless

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